What has PhillipJeffersonDesign been doing lately? With spring and summer, comes spring and summer projects. We've been spending time designing kitchens. The design of a kitchen is not always the easiest project nor is it a simple construction process when you deal with many existing conditions. If you start from scratch, the world is your oyster. If you begin from a shell, there are other issues to take in to mind, like plumbing line locations or gas line locations. Let's not forget waste lines. Do you really want to move that? Is the cost minimal? It all depends on how far you move it and if there are any building code changes with connections with new lines. Is the existing structural system going to be a problem? We make assumptions from initial site review and understanding of the as-built work, but in reality, until you tear out a wall or open it up, there is no idea what is there in a renovation project.
Demolition and revealing the existing conditions.
Good experience with spaces as they exist and understanding of the construction methods of different decades is a part of experience gained through years of observation and construction; this helps during the design process.
What would you say is the most important part of your kitchen renovation design? For some, the appliances make the kitchen; the majority will say it is the cabinet selection. Again, for others, it is the countertop surface. Then there are those that say, it is the flooring and wall color selections. Design wise, it is all of it. It is however a measure of the function of the design. It is not meant of function as just a kitchen space, but the function of all of the intended use throughout the day; breakfast making, sitting at a counter doing homework, discussing the day while dinner is made, searching for new recipes at your work station, or merely, watching birds in the morning land on your window sill. What does this look like for you? Each individual has their own interpretation and need in the spatial design of the kitchen.
New kitchen renovation. Where would you sit?
New kitchen renovation wide angle view.
More construction images of summer kitchen renovations are to come!