615 Bolyan is a prototype mixed-use building in Raleigh that incorporates sustainable design and energy efficiency with the principles of live, work, play. 615 Boylan provides loft style living with 15 condominiums and a double height street level retail space. The design takes advantage of existing grading conditions and locates retail commercial space close to the street, which will be occupied by an art gallery tenant. The second floor will have office commercial space including an art studio with an employee courtyard separating the two along with third floor commercial space available. Boylan includes 3 green roofs, which are located over the art gallery and over the art studio. Residents will have access to the art studio green roof.
In association with Centerpoint Architecture.

The South wall view represents an open storefront and curtain wall system providing natural light and a Green wall system for shading. The rear of the building at the west shows access to the roof garden.

The North wall view represents a solid wall condition with open exterior apartment unit access along an open-air walkway.